Vin Noe

Jonathon Purcel

Vin Noé
Jonathan Purcell
Saint Aubin, Burgundy, France

0.80 Ha - Biodynamic -No Sulfates

Jonathon Purcell ploughing the Vines

Jonathan Purcel hails from San Diego, a négoçiant who took on his own cellar in Gamay , part of a posse of north americans that have come over to study enology and after coming into their own have all set up in and around burgundy.

After studying at Beaune Viti jonathan worked at White rock vin yards in Napa, David Croix in Corton-Charlemagne and Corton.

Jonathans total vineyard surface is 0.80ha all retrieved from no tills vingeron  Jacques Morels parcels of Saint Aubin and Puligny-Montrachet both parcels are from 40 plus yera old vins, One is on Grantitic soil and the other in clay and limestone.

Jonathan use a minimal debourage method, fermenting his wines in barrel with gross lees.

No sulfates are added in vinifaction or at bottling. Total production in 2021 was 90HL